Liebe AK-MDW Interessierte, 

zunächst wünsche ich Ihnen und euch - auch im Namen von Frank (Reinhold) - ein frohes neues Jahr 2024!!!

Unten leite ich sehr gerne eine Tagungsankündigung weiter, die Hans-Georg Weigand und zugeschickt hatte. 

Beste Grüße



Prof. Dr. Florian Schacht
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Zentrums für Lehrkräftebildung
Didaktik der Mathematik
Thea-Leymann-Straße 9 
Raum WSC-S-2.05
45127 Essen

MEDA4-conference (Mathematics Education in the Digital Age) in Bari, Italy, 3-6, September 2024.

We are pleased to announce the 17th ERME Topic Conference MEDA4. It will be held at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. See

Teaching, learning and assessment practices within all phases of mathematics education have dramatically changed due to global pandemics and the increasing dependences on digital technologies across education systems. Meanwhile, the field has witnessed significant changes in research foci regarding the different ways and uses of digital technologies; from supporting active engagement in rich STEM activities to enabling new assessment practices, communication, and collaboration opportunities. More than ever before, it seems that intensive research is now needed on the wide spectrum of roles that technologies play in mathematics education at all phases.

You find the first announcement on the MEDA4-website. The deadline for the submission of the proposal is 1, March 2024.

We - the Members of the Organizing Committee - wish you all the best in a hopefully more peaceful world in the year 2024 and hoping to seeing you in Bari.

Alison Clark-Wilson (UK)
Eleonora Faggiano (Italy) – also Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Michal Tabach (Israel)
Hans-Georg Weigand (Germany)