Liebe Mitglieder des GDM Postdoc- und Doktorand*innenverteilers,

ich möchte gerne auf eine Stellenausschreibung an der Universität zu Köln aufmerksam machen. 

Es handelt sich um eine 100% Postdoc-Stelle, die thematisch auf die Erforschung von Mathematiklernen unter Verwendung von Eye-Tracking und anderen Technologien ausgerichtet ist. Die Stelle ist in meinem Lehrstuhl für Sonderpädagogische Didaktik im Handlungsfeld Mathematik angesiedelt.

Weitere Informationen sowie die Links zum Ausschreibungstext finden sich auf der Webseite meines Lehrstuhls: Bewerbungsfrist ist der 11.08.24.

Für Rückfragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung unter Die Ausschreibung kann gerne auch an Interessierte weitergeleitet werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Maike Schindler

Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler
Chair of Special Education in Mathematics

University of Cologne
Classen-Kappelmann-Str. 24 (Raum 1.34)
D-50931 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)221 470 76726


Current projects:
DIDUNAS (co-funded by the European Union (EU))
KI-ALF (co-funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF))
MADITA (co-funded by the European Union (EU))

Want to read something recent?
Structure sense in students’ quantity comparison and repeating pattern extension tasks: an eye-tracking study with first graders Educational Studies in Mathematics 2024
Pattern-recognition processes of first-grade students: An explorative eye-tracking study International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2024
Motion capture systems and their use in educational research: Insights from a systematic literature review Education Sciences 2023
Small number enumeration processes of deaf or hard-of-hearing students: A study using eye tracking and artificial intelligence Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Students’ collaborative creative process and its phases in mathematics: an explorative study using dual eye tracking and stimulated recall interviews ZDM - Mathematics Education 2022
Notions of Creativity in Mathematics Education Research: A Systematic Literature Review International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2021
Affective field during collaborative problem posing and problem solving: A case study Educational Studies in Mathematics 2020
Enumeration processes of children with mathematical difficulties: An explorative eye-tracking study on subitizing, groupitizing, counting, and pattern recognition Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal 2020
Kinds of Mathematical Reasoning Addressed in Empirical Research in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Review Education Sciences 2020
Domain-specific interpretation of eye tracking data: towards a refined use of the eye-mind hypothesis for the field of geometry Educational Studies in Mathematics 2019
Students’ Creative Process in Mathematics: Insights from Eye-Tracking-Stimulated Recall Interview on Students’ Work on Multiple Solution Tasks International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2019
Quantity recognition in structured whole number representations of students with mathematical difficulties: An eye-tracking study Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal 2019

More can be found at
My UoC website